作品 Production / “捞沙家族”遵义特色美食IP形象设计
设计类别 Design catrgory / 美食IP形象设计
设计 Design / 小伍子
指导老师 Tutor / WeiWei
设计院校 University / 武汉轻工大学
专业方向 Majior / 视觉传达设计
The Laosha family is a group of friends from Zunyi, Guizhou. There are a total of five main characters in the family, representing one of the most distinctive cuisines in Zunyi. Let’s briefly introduce it below! Warm baa represents lamb powder that must be eaten during the winter solstice; Guo Ge represents a cauldron that can be burned by all things; Doubao represents white, tender and tender tofu pudding noodles, and BOBO twins represent love tofu that lovers often eat together; Fang Hanhan represents a chicken cake with a thick texture.
Their appearance has added a lot of fireworks and excitement to Zunyi. Living in Laosha Lane, they aim to salvage treasures, blessings, and gold, adding vitality and happiness to people’s lives, and infecting everyone with the most authentic cuisine.
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