BHQS陈滨 X 康萌贝比 近期作品合集 正式加入上海康萌贝比,也希望大家可以多支持。
Characters for clients and personal projects.Write me if you want to buy some vectors
Character design for The Lily, a Washington Post publication made by women
Character design. Personal projects from June and July 2019. You can buy some
Personal projects in character design for April and May 2019. 作者:Ana Duje
Character illustrations for Keatext’s blog. Keatext is an AI powered feedback
Character china fantasy Illustrator Journeytothewest mecha robot SuperHero
好好学习 好好加油2021.继续aoligei 原创作品 / 插画 / 创作习作 作者:勾线手A姆T
更新一些最近的画~ 分享一些最近在做的事情~ 作者:_CHOCO__
EX-SERIES极限运动 以极限运动为主题的一组创作,希望大家喜欢~ 作者:蒙奇Monkey
Series of colored doodle characters. Love filling up the paper like this without thinking
VICE Editorial illustrations, Editorial illustrations for VICE 2018-2019
Series of fun Christmas illustrations for clothing store Pull & Bear. 创意领域 插图
Sometimes what I need is to scream so hard my feelings.How many layers do you have?
Eight Days A Week | 8套穿搭,让你秒变CityBoy 原创作品 / 插画 / 新锐潮流插画