项目名称 丨 今喜文创品牌IP文创设计
项目内容 丨 品牌形象、IP设计、文创开发
Jinxi Wenchuang is located in Hangzhou, China. It is an enterprise that develops and produces wedding supplies based on the concept of traditional Chinese happy culture. Its main products include two series of wedding gifts and holiday gifts, with the brand concept of “delivering happy culture”.In this brand upgrade, Infinite Bo proposes that in addition to upgrading the brand LOGO and VI image, the focus is to create a super IP image of the brand. For this reason, we propose to use the unique Chinese magpie as the role of the representative animal of magpie culture. , to awaken everyone’s emotional identification with hi culture. The IP image of the magpie “AXI”.In the design, we incorporate elements of red envelopes, wear red envelope-shaped top hats, and strengthen the festive atmosphere. At the same time, we incorporate the “Jin” character symbol on the chest to highlight the brand gene, and use this to extend the role, develop a series of cultural and creative products, and help enterprises create The brand’s own super IP consolidates brand equity, and innovative products drive revenue.
总监 / BO
设计 / RAY
渲染 / 海涛
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