CR?Z! 是一个轻潮牌服装品牌 ,其理念是“Made in Crazy, Make a Playful. 生活?闹着顽!”,核心受众是具有小孩特质心态和趣味的成年人,他们被称为“KIDULT”一族,即Kid+Adult。
这个词追根溯源最早出现在1985年的《泰晤士报》上,2001年Mandy Patinkin出版个人专辑《Kidults》后,这个新兴的组合词迅速在时尚界脱颖而出。结合这一背景,当我们看到客户Logo时,立刻联想到风靡全球的红白机游戏“吃豆人”,于是乎,这个龅牙的大嘴IP就这样诞生了。
CR?Z! Is a treet fashion brand with the concept of “Made in Crazy, Make a Playful.” The core target audience is adults with children’s idiosyncratic mentality. They are called the “KIDULT” group, namely Kid + Adult.
“KIDULT” first appeared in The Times in 1985. After Mandy Patinkin published his personal album “kidults” in 2001, the new word quickly emerged in the fashion world. That’s why once we saw the customer’s logo, the red and white computer game “Pac Man”, which is popular all over the world, came out of our mind immediately. Then the big mouth with buckteeth character was born.
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